The Split Cherry Tree

גרסה מ־00:53, 14 בינואר 2018 מאת Drixs (שיחה | תרומות) (יצירת דף עם התוכן "'''The Split Cherry Tree''' ''Questions p.33'' # '''What was Dave being punished for?<br />'''Dave was being punished for a broken cherry tree # '''What was hi...")
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The Split Cherry Tree

Questions p.33

  1. What was Dave being punished for?
    Dave was being punished for a broken cherry tree
  2. What was his punishment?

His punishment was to stay two hours after school for two days, and clean school:
sweep the schoolhouse floor, wash the blackboards, and clean windows.

  1. How was it different from the other boy's punishment?
    The punishment of boys was to pay one dollar each for the damage.
    All the other boys had the money, only Dave didn’t.
    Professors Herbert allowing Dave twenty-five cents an hour,
    in condition he stays two hours after school for two days.
  2. List THREE of Dave's chores on the farm.
    Draw water from the well.
    b. Firewood and stovewood to cut.
    Feed hogs.
  3. What did Dave's Pa decide to do after Dave explained why he was late home.
    Dave's Pa decided to go to Dave's school to meet Professor Herbert.
  4. Why does Dave say he would rather be whipped than stay late at school?
    Dave said he would rather be whipped than stay late at school because he knew that Pa will whip him anyway if he going to late.
  5. Why did Pa decide to send Dave to high school?

Pa decides to send Dave to high school

because he wants Dave to be succeeded and educated, compared to his family.

Questions p.36

  1. What is Dave afraid will happen the next day at school?
    Dave afraid that Pa will shoot Professor Herbert.
  2. What Professor Herbert does not understand:
    How much work Dave has to do on the farm after school.
  3. What is Dave's mother worried about?
    Dave's mother afraid that Pa will be jailed for bringing a gun to school.
  4. What made Pa so angry with Professor Herbert?
    What made Pa so angry with Professor Herbert was the fact that all the other boys didn’t have to stay after school because they could pay the fine, compared to poor boy as Dave.
  5. What did Pa threaten to do?
    Pa threatens to shoot Professor Herbert.
  6. What did Dave do after supper?
    Dave tried to forget the whole thing and studied.
  7. At first Dave thinks of running away. What was the reason he decided not to do that?
    The reason why Dave decided not to run away was because of knowing that Pa will go to school anyway.
  8. Why doesn't Dave's mom want Luster to go down to the school?
    Dave's mom doesn’t want luster to plague Dave to death in front all the students. להביך

Questions p.36

  1. A. What lesson did Dave learn from what he says about the Lambert boys?
    The lesson Dave did learn was to not judge people until you know them. לשפוט
    B. How might this be connected to his father's visit to the school?
    Pa don’t know professor Herbert, and still judge him.
    Dave's hopes that Pa will know Professor Herbert and understand that he is a good man.
  2. Why does Dave describe his father's clothes and appearance?
    To emphasize how old generation was Pa. כמה עתיק היה אבא שלו
  3. Professor Herbert tells Dave to close the door. Why does he do this?
    Professor Herbert told Dave to close the door because other students were coming into the schoolhouse,
    so the others won't hear they conversation.
  4. A. What does Professor Herbert call Dave's father?
    Professor Herbert Call Dave's father in him first-name, Luster.
    B. What does this tells us about how he intends to treat him?
    This tells us about Professor's intends, to treat no more as strange person.
  5. Why do you think Professor Herbert offers to show Dave's father around the school?
    He had done this to prove Dave's father that school had changed since he was a child.

Questions p.36

  1. What did Professor Herbert do with Luster all day?
    Professor Herbert was with Luster all day,
    and shows him how school had changed since his time.
  2. What did the other children think of Luster?
    The other children thought about Luster that he is old man fashion, and strange.
    And later realized that he had a good heart.
  3. How did Dave feel about his father according to lines 240-248?
    Dave was glad his father, he didn’t ashamed on him.
    he was proud of Pa for made Professor Herbert friend finally.
  4. What did Luster insist on doing at the end of the school day?
    Luster insist to pay all the dept, and don’t getting things for free.

Questions p.43 –'ניבוי

  1. What was Dave's first problem with his father and what did he do about it?  (Problem Solving)
    Dave's first problem with his father was late to home after school.
  2. Luster Sexton was offended by Professor Herbert   (Problem Solving) 
    A. How did he say he would deal with it?
          He said that he going to school and shot Professor Herbert.
    B. How did he actually deal with it?
         He went to school and talked with Professor Herbert.
  3. How is Luster's way of speaking different from that of Professor Herbert?
    Luster speaking in incorrect English, which common with the hills, and old-fashion persons.
    A. Luster uses many proverbs and sayings. Why do you think he uses these expressions so often?
         Because he has poor vocabulary.
    B. What is the author trying to show us by using these two types of language?
          To emphasize the difference between Pa and Professor Herbert.
  4. A. Besides their speech, name TWO other areas in which Professor Herbert and Luster are very different.
         They different on their clothing, and body size.
    B. Despite their differences, what do they have in common?
         They both old people, which know how important education is.
  5. A. What does Luster learn from his day at school?    
          Luster has learned a about biology, as how look germs. And more about what the student learning at school, and how he had change since he was a boy.
    B. How does this affect his decision about the future of Dave's education?
         Luster understood how important education is, and how positive it for Dave's future
  6. A. in What ways is Luster a stereotype?    
          Luster is stereotype in how he looks, how he speaks, and from where is he come.
          People think that he don’t have a heart, old-fashion man who only using strength.
    B. What do we understand about Luster because of this?
          Luster is a good man; Luster has a heart and values, and he is also believes education.

The Split Cherry Tree
page 44

'Conflict – 'הבעיה
The main problem, which can be between characters and nature or society or within a character.
In the story:
Dave Saxton owes a dollar. He does'nt have for his part in damaging a cherry tree.
His teacher contributes the money but makes him stay after school. תורם
Dave expects conflict with his father for being late.
The real conflict turns out between his father and his teacher.

'Climax – 'נקודת מפנה
The crisis or turning point of the action.
In the story:
Luster arrives at school the next day with his gun to confront and terrified the teacher.

'Resolution – 'הפתרון
How the problem or crisis is solved.
In the story:
Through honesty and respect, Professor Herbert diffuses the situation and wins luster over.

Questions p.44 

  1. How does Luster 'educate' Dave about his future?
    Pay his debt and be honest.

– Explaining cause and effect.

In part 3 of the story while talking to Professor Herbert, Dave's father says: "jist call me luster." What can we understand from this sentence? Why is it important in the story? [Name the thinking skill and explain how]
I chose the thinking skill of inferring,
which helps me identify and understand what is written "between the lines". I am able to infer what the message of the story is' even if it not directly written.
Mr. Sexton didn’t like Professor Herbert at the beginning.
He actually hate him for the punishment he gave to Dave.
When Mr. Sexton told Professor Herbert to call him his first-name, we can understand that the relationship between each other has changed. We can also learn that they like each other.
This is important in the story because those moments is a climax of change for better the whole problem, and close them to the solution.

– Bridging Text and Context.
The biographical information about author shows that he had experience with kind of family which described in the story. a poor family with not very educated parents.
We know that he himself successfully. He move the way from that life to become a teacher,
and he may have based the character of Professor Herbert on himself.
This probably also made him want to use this story to send a message about the importance of education and the possible futures it offers.
It also sends a message to the older generation about accepting changes.